PRS Guitars
It may seem hard to believe, but there was a time when Paul Reed Smith was an unknown guitar builder. During these early days, whenever a major artist came through town, he would camp outside venues for six or seven hours before the show and try to make friends with everyone: the roadies, the security staff, the caterers, or anyone who could get him a backstage pass. Once he figured out how to get backstage, he’d scoop up his guitars and try to get them into the artist’s hands. As you might expect, many were impressed enough to order themselves a PRS. This was how he began his relationships with players like Carlos Santana, Peter Frampton, Al Di Meola, and Howard Leese.

Paul’s backstage salesmanship isn’t just a fun origin story: it also illustrates why PRS makes such incredible guitars forty years later. The same tireless work ethic that compelled Paul to stand out in the hot sun for six hours to give a rock star a thirty-second sales pitch also drove him to refine the electric guitar time and time again as he strived to reach the ultimate zenith of six-string perfection.
Paul’s drive towards perfection is a part of PRS’s DNA, and it shows in every guitar of theirs we receive. Whether it’s a Private Stock guitar with rare woods that we picked by hand, and luxurious cosmetic appointments, an S2, a Wildwood-exclusive Wood Library that we customized with more hand-picked woods, or a core model, each PRS displays outstanding fit and finish, playability, consistency, and reliability.

But, to focus solely on PRS’s supreme build quality would do them a disservice, because these guitars also have that ineffable mojo that inspires players to see the fretboard in new ways. As pretty as PRS’s guitars look, they sound even more beautiful. If you close your eyes and strike a big open G chord on a Custom 24 through an overdriven amp and listen closely as it rings out, it’s like an Impressionist painting for your ears. Vivid hues and shades of color mix together to form a complex, lush, three-dimensional sonic picture as rich overtones bloom and sparkle out of the speaker. It’s truly magical.
We are proud to showcase such magnificent guitars for our exceptional customers. We invite you to browse through our vast treasure trove of PRS Guitars. We’re sure that you’ll find one–who are we kidding, probably more like two or three dozen–that you will fall in love with.