Below, you’ll find a veritable cornucopia of killer Gibsons that celebrate the relationship between various six-string titans and their Gibson guitars. Some are meticulous recreations of classic axes stuffed to the brim with mojo and classic vibe, while others are “dream guitars” where the artist was able to tailor their signature instrument to their exact specifications. They all do a marvelous job of capturing the essence of some of our favorite players, and they have an incredible capacity to inspire creativity as a result. We invite you to browse our selection of Gibson Custom Artist Series guitars and find the one that speaks to you. We’re sure you’ll find something that will help you make all sorts of joyous racket.
Gibson Custom Shop Artist Series
The Stuff of Legends.
When you sit down with a great signature model guitar, a special type of magic happens. You feel connected to the player through the instrument, and it gives you an insight into how they feel when they play. Feeling a neck profile based on a computerized scan of, say, Slash’s “First ’58” Les Paul gives you a remarkably clear picture of how Slash must have felt when he laid down those legendary solos on Appetite for Destruction because the wizards and warlocks of Gibson Custom have recreated the original so meticulously. Or, perhaps you will feel the heat emanating from the pickups of a Tony Iommi SG and understand how Tony Iommi built one of the mightiest tones in metal history. The point is that when you do a signature model the right way like our friends at Gibson, it captures the player’s “secret sauce.” As a result, when you sit down to play one of these spectacular Artist Series Gibsons, it feels like you’re stealing a little bit of that player’s mojo. This can provide a tremendous spark of inspiration deepen your vocabulary as a guitar player.
Gibson Custom Shop
Jimmy Page
.86-1.020 (6-String)
.90-.98 (12-String)
11.17 lbs.
’69 Cherry
#CS500542 -
Gibson Custom Shop
2003 Duane Allman
Les Paul
“Hot ‘Lanta”
Limited Run #25/55
.89-1.02/8.87 lbs
Aged by Tom Murphy
Cherry Sunburst
#DA025 -
Gibson Custom Shop
B.B. King Signature
“Rumble in the Jungle”
1974 ES-355
#93 of 100
.80-.98/8.95 lbs.
Murphy Lab Light Aged
#BB ES-355 93 -
Gibson Custom Shop
1964 Trini Lopez
Standard Reissue
.90-.97/7.90 lbs.
#130600 -
Gibson Custom Shop
2012 Marc Bolan Signature
Les Paul Standard
#5 of 100
Les Paul Custom Neck
.79-.93/9.45 lbs.
Bolan Chablis
Gibson Custom Shop
2013 Joe Perry
1959 Les Paul Standard
Aged by Tom Murphy
#6 of 100
.91-.98/8.45 lbs.
Faded Tobacco Burst
#PERRY006 -
Gibson Custom Shop
2008 Model
Jimmy Page Signature
Les Paul Custom
Limited Run #196 of 500
.82-.93/9.96 lbs.
#JPC196 -
Gibson Custom Shop
Gene Simmons
EB-0 Bass
.87-.98/9.36 lbs.
#GS 021 -
Gibson Custom Shop
Gene Simmons
EB-0 Bass
.87-.99/8.88 lbs.
#GS 038