Wildwood Guitar Sound Library Information and Walkthrough Video

Our vision at Wildwood Guitars is to offer the most unique user experience a guitar website can provide.
First we brought you our one-of-a-kind Video experience, spearheaded by the one and only Greg Koch! Having been ever-fortunate to recruit many of today’s premier players and builders to share in the video project, our promise to provide exceptional service and premier guitar entertainment has led us to the Halls of the NAMM Convention, and to the laboratories of the Fender Custom Shop and Taylor Guitars. Innovation and creative thinking does not simply fall to the wayside as time presses on, however. One must strive with diligence and hard work to reach the top! It is with great pleasure that we announce another one-of-a-kind project that will make the Wildwood experience that much more memorable — the Wildwood Sound Library!
For months we have been collecting simple and effective sound samples from our inventory of the world’s best guitar selection to help you, the consumer, find the perfect guitar for your specific playing needs! Wonder what the neck pickup on a ’69 Wildwood “10” Strat sounds like in comparison to Wildwood Spec ’58 Les Paul? Pull two serial numbers up in our compare function and give it a listen! How about all of the pickups clean? Distorted? It’s all there for you to listen and to decide for yourself. We recorded each pickup clean and distorted, and combined the samples into a set of easy to understand sound clips. For ease of comparison, each sample was recorded live through a Tone King Imperial, and we used an Xotic Effects BB Preamp for the distorted tones. A touch of compression and EQ were applied to the mix template, and all levels remain static for each individual clip. Every subtle difference you hear is the actual guitar! No fancy tricks! We even recorded acoustic selections!

Still confused? Check out the video above! Greg Koch takes you through the user experience with ease and clarity. Still confused? Give us a call at the store and we’ll be happy to walk you through how the Sound Library works! We truly appreciate every single one of our customers, and we hope this new endeavor helps YOU to find your perfect guitar.