This new version of the Cestus uses a silicon Mil Spec NOS 2N2222A transistor in lieu of a germanium transistor. This gives us the consistency and inventory necessary to produce these. In switching to silicon you have a Treble Boost that’s got a unique grit and hair. It works well even on slightly cleaner guitar amps, which was a surprise.

The switch on the face of the Cestus is a 3-Way voice toggle. This takes your tone from classic/thin boost tones to more mid-foward tones and to bass heavy tones when. This handy toggle allows you to match the voicing with your setup or allows you to cover a wider range of tones. With the right amp or dirt pedal after the Cestus you will be able to run the gamut of lead and rhythm tones.

The SET control sets your overall output. It’s wide range of output lets you go from just a slight re-voicing of your signal to amp crushing power when dimed. The artwork is inspired by the original amp top boxes that inspired this unit.

• Hand Selected NOS Silicon 2N2222A Transistor
• SET knob for boost output level
• 3-Way voicing toggle (Mid, Treble, Fat)
• Internal bias controller trimmer
• Low noise design
• Top Mount Jacks

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