Sonic Evaluation

When I struck a big E chord after tuning this Froggy Bottom K Deluxe up, I was a little lost for words. "It's like...the acoustic equivalent of a cranked Marshall stack," I said, and I think that's the best way to describe its rich, all-encompassing tone. Its overtone presence is downright astonishing, it has tons of projecting power, and it has enough headroom to make some dreadnoughts but it also has a stunning capacity for nuance and subtlety. It's quite responsive and full-bodied with tons of overtone presence even at lower volumes, making for a dynamic range as wide as the stretch of the Rockies I can see from my office window. You can also really shape this guitar's sound using your technique. All in all, it makes for a wonderfully expressive playing experience!



Brand Used
Model2022 Froggy Bottom K Deluxe Cuban Mahogany
Finish ColorNatural
Top WoodSolid German Spruce
Back & Sides WoodCuban Mahogany
Neck WoodMahogany
Neck Dimensions.830 1st - .880 9th
FingerboardGabon Ebony
Scale Length25.25"
Width at Nut1 3/4"
Nut MaterialWater Buffalo Bone
ElectronicsAftermarket K&K Pickup
HeadstockSlotted with Ebony and Frog Logo Inlay
TunersNickel Waverly
String Spacing2 5/16"
CaseOriginal White Hoffee Hardshell with Green Interior

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Wildwood Pre-Owned
Serial Number: K2361

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