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A Sonic Revolution

Our friends at 45 RPM have spent a year filled with blood, sweat, tears, elbow grease, and solder fumes refining the Sky 5e3’s design, and their hard work has paid off because the Sky 5e3 is one of the finest amplifiers ever to grace Wildwood’s shelves.

In fact, the Sky 5e3 is completely unprecedented. Few amps have ever offered such a wide range of authentic, inspiring tones. It’s one thing for an amp to nail a single sound so perfectly that it takes you places and inspires you, but it’s quite another to capture six or seven iconic tones with obsessive accuracy and fit them all into one amp. That’s exactly what our friends at 45 RPM have done, and we could not be more excited to show their creation off to the world.

But before we get into tech talk and start Read More...

Why Order from Wildwood Guitars?

An instrument from Wildwood isn't just an ordinary guitar. It's your guitar. Each and every instrument we sell includes a full, point by point setup, an exhaustive evaluation, and expert shipping procedures, with first class, industry leading standards from start to finish. Why? Because you deserve it.

Click Here to learn more about what makes a Wildwood instrument so special...
Serial Number: 45RPMSKY45C
Quantity on hand: 2

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